亞馬遜廣告新功能Headline Search Ads開放了,一大波流量會來嗎?

細心的賣家能夠發現,亞馬遜又更新了一項新功能,以前只有VE、VC賣家才能用的神秘功能現在飛入尋常百姓家,這個新功能名叫Headline Search Ads,快看看你的后臺有沒有?

目前,已經進行品牌備案的賣家后臺會出現這項新廣告功能,如果你準備提升品牌知名度,可以在campaign manager使用Headline Search Ads功能,建立一個在搜索結果中處于突出的位置的廣告,買家的頁面能夠展示你的產品。

創建Headline Search Ads廣告需要四步

Headline Search Ads創建完成后,需要進行3天審核。


關于HeadlineSearch Ads的介紹

1、What areHeadline Search Ads?

Headline Search Ads are keyword targetedcost-per-click ads that allow brands to promote 3 or more products and drivetraffic to a brand page or to a custom landing page on Amazon.

2、What iskeyword targeted advertising?

Keyword targeted advertising matches the keywordscontained in your campaign to the search terms that shoppers are searching foron Amazon. When a shopper searches using words or terms relevant to yourcampaign, your ad can appear above search results.

3、Where aremy ads shown?

Headline Search Ads are displayed above searchresults.

Where are shoppers directed to when they click on myads?

When shoppers click on your ads, you can specifywhether they will go to a custom landing page on Amazon or to your Amazon Storefor your brand.

4、Do I needto have an Amazon Store to run a Headline Search campaign?

No. When shoppers click on your ads, they go to thepage at Amazon that you specified. This could be the Amazon Store for yourbrand, or any page that showcases your products on Amazon.

5、How do Icreate a Headline Search Ad campaign?

Log in to your Amazon Marketing Services account andclick 'Create an ad' from the main page, then select the "Headline Search- Target by keyword, appear above search results" option.

6、Who iseligible to use Headline Search Ads?

Headline Search is available for all approved AmazonMarketing Services accounts. See Amazon Advertising Policy Guidelines foradditional details.

7、Can I editmy ad?

The creative for your campaign is automaticallygenerated through the Amazon Marketing Services ad builder. You are required toadd a custom headline and image before you submit the ad for review.

8、How arekeywords matched to a shopper's search?

Your ad will be shown when a shopper’s search onAmazon matches a keyword in your campaign. Match types include broad, phrase,and exact match. With exact match, your ads can appear only when someonesearches for your exact keyword, without any other terms in the search. Withphrase match, your ad can show when someone searches for your exact keyword, oryour exact keyword with additional words before or after it. With broad match,the keyword can match a shopper’s search terms in any order along with otherclose variants of your keyword.

9、How muchdo Headline Search Ads cost?

Amazon Marketing Services uses a cost-per-click,auction-based pricing model. We recommend you set the maximum cost-per-clickyou are willing to pay. The more competitive your bid is, the more likely yourad will be displayed when an Amazon shopper searches for one of your keywords.The minimum cost-per-click is $0.10 and you will never be charged more perclick than what you bid.

10、Is there aminimum budget?

The minimum budget for a campaign is $100 forall-campaign budgets and $1 for daily budgets. You will only be charged for theactual cost of clicks received and never more than your budget.

11、Is there amaximum length my campaign can run?

Campaigns can be scheduled to run up to four monthsin advance and can run continuously without a scheduled end date.

12、What typesof term variations does Headline Search Ads allow today, if any?

Headline Search Ads does not allow any keywordvariations such as stemmed words (for example, house and housing), plurals, ormisspellings. Advertisers must explicitly add those variations in order to beconsidered.

據了解,Headline Search Ads本身的顯示位置就是一個優勢,可以將流量導向其零售品牌頁面。這個廣告功能最明顯的特點是點擊headline算一次費用,進入之后點擊任何產品都不算點擊費。賣家可以通過Headline Search Ads的定位把流量引到登錄頁面或者品牌頁面。

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