亞馬遜Two-Step Verification 兩步驗證設置流程
登錄亞馬遜后臺 Seller Central ,提示說明在 6月30日之前若沒有完成?Two-Step Verification?,6月30日之后賬戶可能就登陸不了!
About Two-Step Verification亞馬遜官方解釋:
Two-Step Verification is a way to provide an extra layer of protection to your account. This means that even if your password is stolen, your Seller Central account will remain secure.
How it works
You can either generate a code that's sent to your device and that you then enter on the login page, or you use an authenticator app on your device to generate a random code—you don't need mobile service for this but you do need a mobile device.
You'll enter your log in information like you normally would, but then you'll be prompted to enter a security code. You can receive this security code in a variety of ways depending on the option you select during sign up, including text message, voice call or authenticator app.
Simplifying your login
To simplify login on computers and devices that you routinely use, you can tell us not to ask for a security code so that you won't need to enter a code each time you sign in. Afterwards, that computer or device will only ask for your password when you sign in.
今天我們就聊聊亞馬遜Two-Step Verification 兩段式驗證設置流程。
什麼是Two-Step Verification?
有鑒于越來越多的賣家帳號被盜(黑)(尤其是日本站點的賣家被盜賬號的狀況很嚴重,因此日本站點強制執行!)亞馬遜為了保護各位賣家賬戶的安全,新增了兩段式驗證功能(Two-Step Verification)來提高賬戶的安全性。
綁定 Two-Step Verification 步驟
1. 點擊右上角的 [ Settings ] > [ Login Settings ]
2. 找到 [ Advanced Security Settings] > [ 點擊 Edit ]
3. 點擊 [ Get Started ]
4. 點擊 Send code 后,手機就會收到一組密碼。在下方輸入密碼后,點擊 Verify code and continue 。
5. 接著需要綁定第二支備用電話,可以選擇以簡訊(Text message)或是語音(Voice call)的方式驗證。
強烈建議用電話綁定比較方便!如果沒有第二支電話,可以選擇使用 Authenticator App 來綁定。到裝置中的 APP Store 搜尋 Authenticator ,就可以找到。 Google Authenticator ,Microsoft Authenticator 等等都可以使用。打開 APP 以后,直接掃描 QR Code ,APP 里面直接會有一組驗證碼(有時效限制)。再將驗證碼輸入即可。
6. Alternate sign in method 提示有些裝置是沒有辦法跳出第二個視窗,讓你在登錄時輸入驗證碼。如果你使用這樣類型的裝置,只要在登錄時,密碼后面直接在加上驗證號碼即可。
如果目前操作的裝置是平常使用的,可以打勾 Don’t require codes on this device ,以后在這個裝置登陸是不需另外輸入驗證碼的。
7. 最后會會提示你已經啟用了兩段式驗證。會有一組主要的號碼(Preferred method)和一組備份的(Backup method)。
另外,要怎麼樣解綁?移除綁定完成后,亞馬遜還是認為你有完成 Two-Step Verification。
1. 點選 Disable
2. Also clear my Two-Step Verification settings 千萬不要打勾,打勾就會把剛剛千辛萬苦操作好的綁定付之一炬。直接點擊 Disable 即可。
最后會出現 成功關掉 Two-Step Verification 的畫面,無話可說點擊 Skip 。
3. 接著就可以點擊 Remove,移除綁定的電話。
6/30 之后可能就登陸不了。所以我們就還是保留一個電話吧,6/30 之后再看亞馬遜怎麼說的。
About Two-Step Verification亞馬遜官方解釋:
Two-Step Verification is a way to provide an extra layer of protection to your account. This means that even if your password is stolen, your Seller Central account will remain secure.
How it works
You can either generate a code that's sent to your device and that you then enter on the login page, or you use an authenticator app on your device to generate a random code—you don't need mobile service for this but you do need a mobile device.
You'll enter your log in information like you normally would, but then you'll be prompted to enter a security code. You can receive this security code in a variety of ways depending on the option you select during sign up, including text message, voice call or authenticator app.
Simplifying your login
To simplify login on computers and devices that you routinely use, you can tell us not to ask for a security code so that you won't need to enter a code each time you sign in. Afterwards, that computer or device will only ask for your password when you sign in.
今天我們就聊聊亞馬遜Two-Step Verification 兩段式驗證設置流程。
什麼是Two-Step Verification?
有鑒于越來越多的賣家帳號被盜(黑)(尤其是日本站點的賣家被盜賬號的狀況很嚴重,因此日本站點強制執行!)亞馬遜為了保護各位賣家賬戶的安全,新增了兩段式驗證功能(Two-Step Verification)來提高賬戶的安全性。
綁定 Two-Step Verification 步驟
1. 點擊右上角的 [ Settings ] > [ Login Settings ]
2. 找到 [ Advanced Security Settings] > [ 點擊 Edit ]
3. 點擊 [ Get Started ]
4. 點擊 Send code 后,手機就會收到一組密碼。在下方輸入密碼后,點擊 Verify code and continue 。
5. 接著需要綁定第二支備用電話,可以選擇以簡訊(Text message)或是語音(Voice call)的方式驗證。
強烈建議用電話綁定比較方便!如果沒有第二支電話,可以選擇使用 Authenticator App 來綁定。到裝置中的 APP Store 搜尋 Authenticator ,就可以找到。 Google Authenticator ,Microsoft Authenticator 等等都可以使用。打開 APP 以后,直接掃描 QR Code ,APP 里面直接會有一組驗證碼(有時效限制)。再將驗證碼輸入即可。
6. Alternate sign in method 提示有些裝置是沒有辦法跳出第二個視窗,讓你在登錄時輸入驗證碼。如果你使用這樣類型的裝置,只要在登錄時,密碼后面直接在加上驗證號碼即可。
如果目前操作的裝置是平常使用的,可以打勾 Don’t require codes on this device ,以后在這個裝置登陸是不需另外輸入驗證碼的。
7. 最后會會提示你已經啟用了兩段式驗證。會有一組主要的號碼(Preferred method)和一組備份的(Backup method)。
另外,要怎麼樣解綁?移除綁定完成后,亞馬遜還是認為你有完成 Two-Step Verification。
1. 點選 Disable
2. Also clear my Two-Step Verification settings 千萬不要打勾,打勾就會把剛剛千辛萬苦操作好的綁定付之一炬。直接點擊 Disable 即可。
最后會出現 成功關掉 Two-Step Verification 的畫面,無話可說點擊 Skip 。
3. 接著就可以點擊 Remove,移除綁定的電話。
6/30 之后可能就登陸不了。所以我們就還是保留一個電話吧,6/30 之后再看亞馬遜怎麼說的。