要積極主動 與客戶投訴回復郵件相反,道歉可能是你自己主動的。想象一下:客戶收到了一個有問題的產品,然而客戶并沒有投訴,他們可能只是決定不再從你這里購買。那么,你就需要給他們發一個能引起共鳴的道歉信。
承認你的錯誤 如果你已經決定要道歉,就沒有理由為你的公司辯護或找借口。只需承認你的團隊犯了錯,并解釋發生了什么,不要低估錯誤的代價。
直接認錯 在 I’m sorry 或 We’re sorry 之后的任何話都有可能否定道歉,比如:I’m sorry you feel this way 可能會被理解為把責任推給對方;I’m sorry if I made a mistake 聽起來好像你沒有真正承認你犯了一個錯誤。最重要的是你要真誠地道歉。
避免有權威性或咄咄逼人 當別人拒絕你的道歉時,你會委屈和煩躁,但這是他們的特權。避免使用 Please accept my apology 或 Be advised that our company doesn’t do this often 這樣的短語。你只管真誠地道歉,然后讓客戶直接決定怎么想或怎么回應。
注入一些自嘲式的幽默(如果錯誤不是很敏感的話) 有時候如果你的團隊所犯的錯誤(或給客戶帶來的不便)并不太嚴重。在這種情況下,寫一封有趣和輕松的道歉郵件也是可以的。
采取行動重建被破壞的信任 這是你給客戶的道歉信的一個重要方面。它表明你不是只說不做。在可能的情況下,行動計劃、經濟補償、折扣都是好主意。
由合適的人發送電子郵件 讓誰來道歉取決于錯誤的嚴重程度。對于一個嚴重的錯誤,郵件應該由高管或者至少是團隊領導來簽署。對于不太嚴重的錯誤,可以由團隊成員發送,也可以用公司公共郵箱(比如:info@company.com)群發道歉信。
要保持謙虛 即使你遵循上面的提示,你的態度也可能會影響道歉郵件的語氣。因此,一定要試著站在客戶的角度去理解他們的感受,或者找其他人來審查你寫的東西。同理心對于謙遜是至關重要的。
We sincerely apologize
Hi [Customer name],
I want to apologize for [briefly state mistake 簡單描述錯誤]. Our team tries to offer the best product/service, but we failed this time. I realize we [state briefly the impact your mistake had on the customer 簡要說明你的錯誤對客戶產生的影響] and I’m very sorry.
This was likely caused by [add brief explanation 添加簡要的解釋], but, regardless, we should have handled this better.
We’re all aware of what happened and will take extra care in the future. As an additional apology, we’re sending you [offering 某種形式的補償]. While we know it can’t exactly make up for the inconvenience we caused, we hope it’ll go some way towards making amends.
Thank you for your patience. Let me know if I can help in any way.
We screwed up!
Hi [Customer name],
I’m sorry to say we kind of screwed up – we realized we [briefly state mistake 簡單描述錯誤]. Oops!
As an apology, you can enjoy [offering 某種形式的補償].
Have a great day,
We sincerely apologize
Hi [Customer name],
I want to apologize for [briefly state mistake 簡單描述錯誤]. Our team tries to offer the best service, but we failed this time. I realize we caused [generic issues that impacted customers 描述對客戶們造成了影響的普遍問題] and I’m very sorry.
This was likely caused by [add brief explanation 添加簡要的解釋]], but, regardless, we should have handled this better.
We’re all aware of what happened and will take extra care in the future. As an additional apology, anyone who was affected by this will be able to [explain offering 解釋你們做出的補償是什么].
Thank you for your patience. We’ll make sure we grow and learn from this.
[Your name]
We blew it!
Hi [Customer name],
We blew it!
You may have seen that [explain mistake 簡單解釋錯誤] – this was an annoying slip-up on our part.
We’re sorry!
As a way to ask for your forgiveness, we’re offering [offering 某種形式的補償].
We promise to be more careful and eat all our vegetables from now on.